The annual Pharmacology Graduate Program Retreat is held each spring at a site outside of New York City and features talks by 3rd and 5th year graduate students and a poster session for other students and postdocs. The 2004 retreat was held on March 4-5 at Arden House in Harriman, NY. Justin Potuzak presented a talk on the diversity-oriented synthesis of spiroketal libraries for use in chemical biology and drug discovery research.
Photos courtesy Prof. Lorraine Gudas

The group gathers in the conference hall for student presentations

Program Co-Chairmen David Scheinberg and Lorraine Gudas fill the group in on the weekend’s events

The grand staircase at Arden House

Dan Macks chimes in with the Pharmacology graduate students

Justin Potuzak prepares to clean out the competition, including Pharmacology faculty members Profs. Chuck Inturrisi and Lonny Levin

Profs. Rich Kolesnick and Lorraine Gudas tear up the dance floor

Derek tries to avoid stepping on Cristina Fernandez’s (Gudas Lab) feet!