


Memorial Sloan Kettering is a premier center of biomedical research, with investigators and clinicians working together to pursue basic science and clinical research.

The faculty at Gerstner Sloan Kettering includes more than 130 Memorial Sloan Kettering scientists who work in fields ranging from cancer biology and genetics to structural biology, immunology, and genomic integrity. Many are physician-scientists, dividing their time between the laboratory bench and the bedside of patients.

No matter what his or her specialty, every Gerstner Sloan Kettering faculty member is a nationally recognized scientist, and many have received numerous awards and honors for working at the forefront of biomedical research. Reflecting their research success, Memorial Sloan Kettering scientists currently hold more than $162 million in grant funds, with almost $122 million from the National Institutes of Health.

Our faculty members are also experienced teachers and mentors. Postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, medical students, and undergraduate students are integral to the ongoing work within Memorial Sloan Kettering laboratories. As a result, faculty are eager to welcome fresh ideas and new perspectives.


Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Chair Emeritus of the Board

Alan D. Schnitzer

Selwyn M. Vickers

Joan Massagué, PhD

Michael Overholtzer, PhD

Thomas Magaldi
Associate Dean

Julie Nadel
Assistant Dean

External Advisory Committee

Carol L. Prives, PhD (Chair)
Da Costa Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Columbia University
New York, NY

Terri I. Grodzicker, PhD
Dean of Academic Affairs
Editor, Genes and Development
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Franziska Michor, PhD
Professor of Computational Biology
Department of Data Science, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University
Boston, MA

Benjamin G. Neel, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Director, Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center
NYU Langone Health
New York, NY

David G. Schatz, PhD
Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology and
Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry;
Chair of Immunobiology
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, CT

Virginia A. Zakian, PhD
Emerita, Harry C. Wiess Professor in the Life Sciences
Research Scholar Lewis-Sigler Institute
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ


Richard Beattie
Geoffrey Canada
Ellen V. Futter
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. (Chair Emeritus of the Board)
Shirley Jackson, PhD
Marie-Josée Kravis
Alan D. Schnitzer (Board Chair)
Scott M. Stuart
Selwyn M. Vickers, MD