Sloan Kettering Institute Year in Review: 10 Noteworthy Science Breakthroughs of 2021
Take a look back at some of the biggest science stories from this past year.
In the Lab

Deciphering How Membrane Enzymes Work, with a Little Help from Beetles
The atomic structure of an elusive type of membrane protein has finally been solved by scientists at the Sloan Kettering Institute.

At Work: Structural Biologist Stephen Long
Stephen Long works to understand how proteins work by determining what they look like in three dimensions.

3D Shape of an Ion Channel Revealed
Structural biologist Stephen Long talks about how his team used x-ray crystallography to discover the structure of an ion channel called K2P1.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Names First Gerstner Fund Recipients
Memorial Sloan Kettering has announced the creation of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Young Investigators Fund and has named the fund's first four recipients.