My curiosity about how life works first sparked my interest in science, and that intellectual curiosity motivated me to get my PhD. My research is on the importance of cell-cell interactions in determining cell fate. I chose to do graduate work at Gerstner Sloan Kettering because of the personalized attention, effective yet light course load, amazing faculty, and terrific funding — and because it is in the best city in the world. You will be in the program for a long time, so pick a place that you feel comfortable, appreciated, and happy. Outside of school, for me that means runs in Central Park, dinners at fun new restaurants, soccer, squash, and exploring new neighborhoods.
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (NIH F31) (2015-2019)
Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation Research Scholar Award (2014-2015)
Robert B. Catell Fellowship (2013-2014)
View a full listing of Scott J. Callahan’s journal articles.